Why Osteopathy Is Good For Headaches

Why Osteopathy Is Good For Headaches

For those who suffer from chronic headaches the world can frequently seem a lonely place; often the medical world offers little in the way of answers as to the underlying cause of the headaches, and even more frequently offers no effective solution. The result of which can be truly frustrating, and isolating, for the sufferer. Understanding the common potential causes…

How to increase your fitness – safely

How to increase your fitness – safely

You know that moment when summer’s arrived. When it’s a baking hot day, the sun is shining, you’re unearthing your summer clothes from the back of the wardrobe and everyone seems happier. Along with getting out the summer clothes, many people start dusting off their trainers. After all, as the weather is dry and the evenings are long, now’s the…

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins in our daily lives. It helps control the level of phosphate and calcium in our bodies, which means your body uses vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Why is vitamin D important? Having too little vitamin D affects how well your body absorbs calcium and phosphorus. In children…

Common triathlon training injuries and how you can overcome them

Common triathlon training injuries and how you can overcome them

Taking on the challenge of completing a triathlon may well serve as the most imposing sporting event of all; triathletes must push themselves to perfect a broad number of skills, and given the variety of physical demands that swimming, cycling and running present, the range of potential injuries are far and wide ranging. Common triathlete injuries: A quick overviewTypically triathletes…

Essential kit for your first triathlon

Essential kit for your first triathlon

You’ve signed up for your first triathlon and after you feel that sense of excitement at what lies ahead you then think “what kit will I need?” With three events in a triathlon requiring different skills and training, you’ll need a range of equipment for your training and the race itself. You don’t need to spend a lot of money,…

Training + Rest = Success

Training + Rest = Success

Entering a sports event, like a triathlon, is a major decision. You’ll be dedicating a big chunk of your time leading up to the event on your training, and rest is an important part of your training. Rest is essential so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For athletes, rest days can help maintain a better balance between…

Race to the finish line

Race to the finish line

If you’re training for a marathon or an event how do you imagine you’ll be when you can see the finish line? Staggering towards it and collapsing in exhaustion at the end? Or using every last ounce of energy you have to sprint towards it and get the best time you can? If it’s the latter then we can help!…