Deep tissue massages are incredibly popular amongst sports men and women, as well as with those who suffer chronic pain. Yet there exists much confusion as to the difference between deep tissue treatments and the widely available massages in beauty salons.

Beauty salon versus deep tissue specialist: An overview
Deep tissue massages aim to overcome tight and shortened muscles by effectively stripping away the micro fibres in the deeper layers of muscles – the aim of which is to allow muscles to heal and re-build.
These massages are undertaken by trained specialists (who have undergone advanced Deep Tissue Massage Diploma training) and whilst this course may have been taken by beauty salon professionals, the additional professional qualifications (such as a Higher Education Diploma) provides for further background knowledge to most effectively deliver this treatment, particularly in relation to certain conditions and ailments.
In contrast, the widely available massages provided by beauty salons work only at a relatively cosmetic level, with no official training required in order to deliver the service.
Such massages (including Swedish massages) whilst enjoyable, will do little to relieve long-term pain or muscular issues. The only biological benefit that may be enjoyed is the increased oxygen throughout the blood, which in turn can help to improve circulation in the short term.
The results
The results achieved by deep tissue massages are unparalleled – leading to structural muscle change and long term benefits. Further advantages include the reduction of chronic pain, lowered blood pressure, improved scar tissue, rehabilitated muscles and stress relief, as well as the alleviation of associated conditions such as tension headaches, rigid shoulders and tight muscles.
The benefits to the individual
Deep tissue massages are incredibly focused – honing in on certain parts of the body in order to alleviate pressure, pain and bring about healing. In short, they are an essential for those who may be suffering the effects of a particular ailment, for sports recovery and for injury recuperation. Here’s an overview of the benefits of deep tissue massage:
– A solution for chronic pain
– A treatment for even long term lower back pain
– Increased mobility
– Accelerated recovery from injuries, such as whiplash, falls, and sports injury
– Recovery from repetitive strain injury, including carpal tunnel syndrome
– Correction of postural problems
– The relieving of muscle tension in the hamstrings, glutes, IT band, legs, quadriceps, rhomboids and upper back (often essential for runners)
– An aid for osteoarthritis pain
– A treatment for Sciatica; Piriformis syndrome; Tennis elbow and Fibromyalgia
– The alleviation of muscle tension or spasm
– Accelerated recovery and optimal performance for bodybuilders
Our massage therapists can all provide deep tissue massage. To make an appointment please call 020 3589 8664. We’re open at weekends and evenings.
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