Signs you’re getting a Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) often affects the upper limbs – hands, wrists, fingers, shoulders – as a result of overuse and repetitive movements. It affects the muscles and tendons and can cause immense discomfort. It is common for people who work at a desk to suffer from RSI at some point, but it can also be linked to particular leisure activities including tennis, golf and gardening.

Symptoms of RSI

Initially you may notice your hands, fingers, shoulders, neck, arms, or elbows feel a bit sore or uncomfortable but after a while these symptoms may develop into:

  • Tingling
  • Aching
  • Pain or soreness
  • Cramp

These symptoms will most likely appear when you’re doing the activity.

How to treat RSI

If you’re able to change the activity, or how you perform it, you may notice the pain decrease. If this is the case, it might be worth talking to your manager, or HR department about adapting your work and work environment to manage your RSI. If the pain is caused by working at a desk you can buy various desk aids to help support your upper limbs.

If you’re unable to change what’s causing the pain, then try to rest where possible, but monitor the pain and how it develops.

If left untreated RSI can develop into a more serious issue like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis, so it’s important to seek treatment sooner rather than later.

How osteopathic treatment helps RSI

We regularly treat people suffering with RSI. Osteopathic treatment for RSI includes mobilisations (which is where a part of the body is manipulated by the osteopath’s hands), soft tissue massage, advice on your posture and how to set up your work environment, and strengthening exercises you can do at home.  In some cases we may use acupuncture.

Many of our patients see an improvement in their RSI after osteopathic treatment, so if you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help with RSI please give us a ring on 020 3589 8664.

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