Sciatica is suffered by as many as 15% to 40% of people over the course of their lifetime; however, because this condition is related to age, becoming more common as we grow older, many people accept the condition as a painful part of ageing, when in fact there are treatments available that may eradicate, or at least eleviate, the condition.…
Back pain is a national epidemic, affecting a staggering eight in ten of us during our lifetimes, costing the UK economy £2.8 million annually, and consistently landing the NHS with a yearly bill amounting to £1 billion. Whilst the contributors to back problems are incredibly well publicised (including bad posture, heavy manual work and incorrect lifting techniques) the not-so helpful…
There’s no doubt that training for an event can be particularly gruelling, whether it’s a triathlon, half marathon or other fitness challenge. Exerting your body over a sustained period of time with different exercises often leads to a very common complaint: muscle cramps. What is muscle cramp? To provide a little background, a muscle cramp is where there is a…
Smartphone apps have truly revolutionised the health and fitness world – ultimately leading to a brave new world of wearable bio-tech that provides instantaneous feedback on exactly how we’re performing. For the average cyclist, where once there was nothing more than the open road and their own judgement as to how their training is progressing, today there’s thousands upon thousands…
Tennis elbow is an incredibly common condition suffered by as many as 40% of tennis players (in addition to those who enjoy certain other sports, such as golf, although this is a slightly different condition). However despite its prevalence it’s still known as a particularly stubborn condition to treat, and the misinformation and misunderstandings of when and what treatment should…
Unsurprisingly it is knee pain that is most often suffered amongst cyclists – this is despite the sport being relatively low impact. Common knee injuries The causes of knee injuries amongst cyclists can typically be put down to one of several things: first, that the cyclist is taking on too much training, too soon; second, there’s a lack of appropriate…
Deep tissue massage is the main type of massage we provide at our clinic, yet despite its popularity there remains many misunderstandings around the practice – such as who it may be suitable for, what it can achieve and whether or not the treatment is painful. Understanding the details of deep tissue massages can not only allay any fears about…
Identifying the warning signs that a niggle is about to become something all-together more serious, can be the difference between stopping exercise altogether or seeking treatment that helps your niggle get better before it gets worse. Injury indicators to look out for 1. Asymmetrical pain and symptoms: If your pain or symptoms are suffered on only one side, then this…
Triathlons demand speed, stamina and strength; running, cycling and swimming each command the use of almost every muscle group in the body; these three gruelling events may be a challenge individually, yet are a true test of physical limits when combined. Those training for a triathlon will likely know all of this, all too well! But how does triathlon training…